• slidebg1
    Connecting great talent with
    great companies
  • slidebg1
    Everyday isn’t perfect, but you will be
    excited about going to your job everyday
    when you are in the right place.
  • slidebg1
    Its no surprise that great
    hires deliver exponential value
  • slidebg1
    Your vision is larger
    than you think

Our Dream

Greatest inventions of mankind were possible and was born out a dream. We are never taught to dream yet we all have dreams, it was one of those dreams which we had was to create and help people to achieve their dreams. 11Milliondream is not just about creating 11 Million dreams but we are sure and confident that each of these dreams have an exponential in itself. We work in this space, considered to be the most valuable asset of any organization, yes we are into Human Resource Consulting and training. We partner with organisations, help them identify the best talents for the projects. Our interest lies in creating a positive impact and create values in people by helping them with the right jobs.

What we do

Creating values is one of our major objective and we are more focussed on What we do. We offer a range of services in the field of Human resources consulting.

Permanent and Contract Staffing

We understand that it is more important for any organisation to focus on the core areas...


Training Solutions

More than ever, every organisation needs a highly efficient training solutions...


Payroll Outsourcing

We help organisations to focus on more important activities like strategy creation...


Statutory & Compliance

Our Statutory and Compliance services helps organisations to manage their business...


Our Blogs

Count your dreams.. they are alive

It feels great when you get to meet a friend after a decade accidentally, yes It was one such occasion I happened to meet my friend. We were trying to retrace the path we traveled and I would say this will be the best moment for anyone…


Crossing the zone ...It's magical

It was a Saturday.. a week off for me, I was spending my time with my family meanwhile there was another thing which was running in my mind, I had to take a crucial decision.…


Happiness of finding an hour

We live in the generation of highly evolved technology where most of our work are automated and we don’t have to run around for doing those activities there by saving our time...
